Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hey dearies!

I just want to say, we could not have done it without God's grace when we gave out the bookmarks on thursday:) you could say it was the moment we all were preparing for, reaching out to our juniors and bringing them closer to our Lord Jesus Christ:) Haha, doesn't God work wonderful ways in our lives? We are like his little messengers, don't you all think? Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would one day be reaching out to people and touching their lives! But I just did! I never had the courage to reach out to people and tell them more about Jesus, for fear of their responses and rejection. But as we sat down and prayed that thursday morning, I was reminded that God did not give us the spirit of fear and that really gave me courage and strength:) As it will always be, with God, all things are possible! Way to go my dears! Let's continue to impact people's lives by showing them God's everlasting love! 

Love always,

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