Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hello everyone! I'm Luke from NJC, JH406. On behalf of my prayergroup, I want to say thank you to all those who came to visit this small blog of ours.

Up till now, you may ask, what is Revelations? Well, it is just a group of us who wants to spread the God's love to others through many small little ways of ours. Basically, we are just a prayergroup in NJC, praying for our school that there would be a revival, and many would start to know this awesome God of ours. Now, you may think, but why Revelations this name? As we seek new revelations from God, we also want to show God's revelation to every single one of you, by showing you his awesome love.

As we came into this school, We believe its not just random or coincidental, but rather we were fated to be placed in this school by God. Hence, I want to save my unsaved friends, get as many people to know Christ and feel the love of God, as he is really awesome. You might think we are crazy to just stand up for Christ in our school and expressing our faith in this way. But i can assure you, it is definately worth it! You might be wondering, why are you loving him and expressing you love to him in such a manner. The only 2 words i would reply is, Experience Him!

For me as an instance, even before I get to know him, my life was just wrong. My studies were bad, I spoke much coarse language just like it is part of me and threw my temper every single day of my life at even the smallest thing. You may think i'm exaggerating, but it is true. Ever since, i came to know God and his love. His love just touched me, and slowly changed me for the better. I won't say I'm better than you, but I just want you to get to know him. You will not regret it!

So, any christians that is reading up our blog and is from national junior college. Why not come join us? and for the non-christians, we will be more than happy for you to join us, even if it is only for a session. It doesn't matter if you are a christian or not, if you are interested, come join us! For more details about our weekly sessions (where, when), you can email us to seek your queries at


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