Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hi guys! Its me, Luke again. haha well, today I'm just going to share some things that I have learnt and is from my heart.

"For, God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

In school, it may seem boring and you may feel that God is not going to use you today. However, change your mindset! School is NOT boring, it is an opportunity to save souls, touch lives, and you might even change someone's life forever! God wants us to see opportunities in everyday of our life! Even in adversities, God want us to see opportunities in it. Even when we're going through the worst season in our lives, think of it as a opportunity for God to bring us through it. School is not just a place where we prepare for our future career, improve our education, but rather, it is a mission field for us christians! It is a ground of opportunities for us to change lives. God uses us, young people! Never say you're too young, or have too little knowledge, talents, abilities... However, God can use us in our limited talents, giftings! Have faith in GOD! God has made us the way we are, and hence, would use us the way we are! Think about it, you may sing songs like "Jesus, you're the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight". But are we really acting it out? or are we just lip singing, and not doing it. It is easy to sing, but acting it out requires your step of faith.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5

Trust in God, have faith in him! As no one is greater than he is! He is going to use you, no matter what situations you are placed in, your background, your history, your limited giftings, your limited talents! HE WILL USE EACH AND EVERYONE OF US! Just have the faith and obedience to him and he will use us greatly, in a way that you can never imagine. When we are on fire for God, fire spreads, and others around you will be impacted by this fire of God. Imagine ourselves (chrisitians) to be the fuel, and our unsaved friends to be the wood. They are dry and lack of the awesome God that we have. However, as we do our part, taking that step of faith, God will set us on fire. When we fuels, are on fire for God, we will start to burn with that passion and the dry woods (unsaved friends) would be caught in that fire and start to burn as well. As dry woods burn easily and once it is burned, it is changed forever! Hence, when we are on fire for God, we will impact lives around us and start to change their lives forever! Do not be afraid! God is with you always! He lives in us! So come on christians, lets just be fired up for God, and do things we never dreamt of doing! Nothing is impossible for him, so lets go out to our school and spread the fire!

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