Friday, January 16, 2009

Share Jesus Without Fear

Hey everyone!! :D

since we're gonna be doing an outreach, i just thought that i could share this method of evangelism with you all... though i don't think it'll really be applicable for the outreach of strangers, but i think it'll help if we wanna reach out to our friends. ((:

Use questions that determine where God is working.
  1. Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?
  2. To you, who is Jesus?
  3. Do you believe there is a heaven and a hell?
  4. If you died right now, where would you go? If heaven, why?
  5. If what you believe were not true, would you want to know it?
"Yes" - open Bible
"No" - do nothing (like change the subject of sth)

Let the Bible speak.
Ask them to read the verse aloud and then ask what the verse means to THEM (i.e. you don't explain the verse to them, let them have their own interpretation). It'll be more convenient for the reader to find the verse if its highlighted already. (:
  1. Romans 3:23 - "All have sinned."
  2. Romans 6:23 - "The wages of sin is death."
  3. John 3:3 - "You must be born again." Ask, why did Jesus come to die?
  4. John 14:6 - "I am the way."
  5. Romans 10:9-11 - "If you confess ... you will be saved."
  6. 2 Corinthians 5:15 - "Those that live should no longer live for themselves."
  7. Revelation 3:20 - "I stand at the door and knock."
Close with Key Questions.
  1. Are you a sinner?
  2. Do you want forgiveness for your sins?
  3. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you and rose again?
  4. Are you willing to surrender your life to Christ?
  5. Are you ready to invite Jesus into your life and into your heart?
Be Silent ... and Pray.
(of course, the person must say 'yes' first :P)

Read one line, and ask them to repeat after you, and mean each line they say with all their heart. (:

Heavenly Father, I have sinned against You.
I want forgiveness for all my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and rose again.
Father, I give You my life to do with as You wish. I want Jesus Christ to come into my life and into my heart. This I ask in Jesus' name.

haha yupp, so that's the whole thing!! WHOA, i typed this whole post in 16mins! xD haha kk, gtg sleep now... it's like, 1.15am already... xD

just rmb that you should PRAY BEFORE THIS, that God will enter the person's heart, and work in his/her life. ((:

Hui Ying (:

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