Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hey dearies!

I just want to say, we could not have done it without God's grace when we gave out the bookmarks on thursday:) you could say it was the moment we all were preparing for, reaching out to our juniors and bringing them closer to our Lord Jesus Christ:) Haha, doesn't God work wonderful ways in our lives? We are like his little messengers, don't you all think? Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would one day be reaching out to people and touching their lives! But I just did! I never had the courage to reach out to people and tell them more about Jesus, for fear of their responses and rejection. But as we sat down and prayed that thursday morning, I was reminded that God did not give us the spirit of fear and that really gave me courage and strength:) As it will always be, with God, all things are possible! Way to go my dears! Let's continue to impact people's lives by showing them God's everlasting love! 

Love always,

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hello! If you received a bookmark that have this sticker pasted on it, this post is just for you! (: Well, this is actually a project that "REVELATIONS" prayergroup did, to welcome you (Be it JH1s or JH3s) to our school! We want to show you that we are here for you and that we care. If you need someone to talk to about your problems, we are more than willing to help. You can do so through the email, and we will reply you as soon as possible. We are more than willing to make friends with you and we could even hang out together some time. :)
You might want to join us at our prayergroup sessions, every thursday morning 7:30 to 8:30 at the school rooftop. If you do not know where the rooftop is, you can sms me or any of the prayergroup members. Ask for our numbers through the email and feel free to chat with us anytime you feel bored. (: We're excited to make friends with you, and to see you in our prayergroup sessions! SEE YOU GUYS!


Monday, January 19, 2009

hey guys! We have started preparations for the outreach and its half-done. We are trying to get it done by tomorrow, however, if we fail to do so, it will be finished by wednesday. Well, the bookmarks are nice and cool! (: *I want to kope one.* Anyway, here are a few pictures from the preparations of the "We're Here For You" outreach we did today.

Are you all excited?! Come on, lets anticipate God to move in a impactful way through this outreach. It will not be an outreach that just fades weeks after, but lets believe it would be one which would touch lives forever and would never be forgotten! HOORAY TO GOD! (:


Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hi guys! Its me, Luke again. haha well, today I'm just going to share some things that I have learnt and is from my heart.

"For, God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

In school, it may seem boring and you may feel that God is not going to use you today. However, change your mindset! School is NOT boring, it is an opportunity to save souls, touch lives, and you might even change someone's life forever! God wants us to see opportunities in everyday of our life! Even in adversities, God want us to see opportunities in it. Even when we're going through the worst season in our lives, think of it as a opportunity for God to bring us through it. School is not just a place where we prepare for our future career, improve our education, but rather, it is a mission field for us christians! It is a ground of opportunities for us to change lives. God uses us, young people! Never say you're too young, or have too little knowledge, talents, abilities... However, God can use us in our limited talents, giftings! Have faith in GOD! God has made us the way we are, and hence, would use us the way we are! Think about it, you may sing songs like "Jesus, you're the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight". But are we really acting it out? or are we just lip singing, and not doing it. It is easy to sing, but acting it out requires your step of faith.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5

Trust in God, have faith in him! As no one is greater than he is! He is going to use you, no matter what situations you are placed in, your background, your history, your limited giftings, your limited talents! HE WILL USE EACH AND EVERYONE OF US! Just have the faith and obedience to him and he will use us greatly, in a way that you can never imagine. When we are on fire for God, fire spreads, and others around you will be impacted by this fire of God. Imagine ourselves (chrisitians) to be the fuel, and our unsaved friends to be the wood. They are dry and lack of the awesome God that we have. However, as we do our part, taking that step of faith, God will set us on fire. When we fuels, are on fire for God, we will start to burn with that passion and the dry woods (unsaved friends) would be caught in that fire and start to burn as well. As dry woods burn easily and once it is burned, it is changed forever! Hence, when we are on fire for God, we will impact lives around us and start to change their lives forever! Do not be afraid! God is with you always! He lives in us! So come on christians, lets just be fired up for God, and do things we never dreamt of doing! Nothing is impossible for him, so lets go out to our school and spread the fire!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Share Jesus Without Fear

Hey everyone!! :D

since we're gonna be doing an outreach, i just thought that i could share this method of evangelism with you all... though i don't think it'll really be applicable for the outreach of strangers, but i think it'll help if we wanna reach out to our friends. ((:

Use questions that determine where God is working.
  1. Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?
  2. To you, who is Jesus?
  3. Do you believe there is a heaven and a hell?
  4. If you died right now, where would you go? If heaven, why?
  5. If what you believe were not true, would you want to know it?
"Yes" - open Bible
"No" - do nothing (like change the subject of sth)

Let the Bible speak.
Ask them to read the verse aloud and then ask what the verse means to THEM (i.e. you don't explain the verse to them, let them have their own interpretation). It'll be more convenient for the reader to find the verse if its highlighted already. (:
  1. Romans 3:23 - "All have sinned."
  2. Romans 6:23 - "The wages of sin is death."
  3. John 3:3 - "You must be born again." Ask, why did Jesus come to die?
  4. John 14:6 - "I am the way."
  5. Romans 10:9-11 - "If you confess ... you will be saved."
  6. 2 Corinthians 5:15 - "Those that live should no longer live for themselves."
  7. Revelation 3:20 - "I stand at the door and knock."
Close with Key Questions.
  1. Are you a sinner?
  2. Do you want forgiveness for your sins?
  3. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you and rose again?
  4. Are you willing to surrender your life to Christ?
  5. Are you ready to invite Jesus into your life and into your heart?
Be Silent ... and Pray.
(of course, the person must say 'yes' first :P)

Read one line, and ask them to repeat after you, and mean each line they say with all their heart. (:

Heavenly Father, I have sinned against You.
I want forgiveness for all my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and rose again.
Father, I give You my life to do with as You wish. I want Jesus Christ to come into my life and into my heart. This I ask in Jesus' name.

haha yupp, so that's the whole thing!! WHOA, i typed this whole post in 16mins! xD haha kk, gtg sleep now... it's like, 1.15am already... xD

just rmb that you should PRAY BEFORE THIS, that God will enter the person's heart, and work in his/her life. ((:

Hui Ying (:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hello everyone! I'm Luke from NJC, JH406. On behalf of my prayergroup, I want to say thank you to all those who came to visit this small blog of ours.

Up till now, you may ask, what is Revelations? Well, it is just a group of us who wants to spread the God's love to others through many small little ways of ours. Basically, we are just a prayergroup in NJC, praying for our school that there would be a revival, and many would start to know this awesome God of ours. Now, you may think, but why Revelations this name? As we seek new revelations from God, we also want to show God's revelation to every single one of you, by showing you his awesome love.

As we came into this school, We believe its not just random or coincidental, but rather we were fated to be placed in this school by God. Hence, I want to save my unsaved friends, get as many people to know Christ and feel the love of God, as he is really awesome. You might think we are crazy to just stand up for Christ in our school and expressing our faith in this way. But i can assure you, it is definately worth it! You might be wondering, why are you loving him and expressing you love to him in such a manner. The only 2 words i would reply is, Experience Him!

For me as an instance, even before I get to know him, my life was just wrong. My studies were bad, I spoke much coarse language just like it is part of me and threw my temper every single day of my life at even the smallest thing. You may think i'm exaggerating, but it is true. Ever since, i came to know God and his love. His love just touched me, and slowly changed me for the better. I won't say I'm better than you, but I just want you to get to know him. You will not regret it!

So, any christians that is reading up our blog and is from national junior college. Why not come join us? and for the non-christians, we will be more than happy for you to join us, even if it is only for a session. It doesn't matter if you are a christian or not, if you are interested, come join us! For more details about our weekly sessions (where, when), you can email us to seek your queries at