Sunday, August 1, 2010

a message from God!

"I will soar with You above the storm"
Distraught at my results, I went home with a heavy and depressed heart.
I sought God and asked, "why?" why did i do badly after the considerable amounts of effort i have put in? all sense of hope in me was gone and failure had transformed me into leaking tap. the tears kept coming. i felt so hopeless! but i remembered that God is still here with me, by my side, forever and always. I prayed and had a talk with God. haha:) i had realised one thing through my failures. Nothing really extraordinary comes from our own efforts. i had pretty much focused most of my time studying and neglected God, taking for granted the fact that He will, by His grace and mercy, save me. BUT, that isn;t what God wants us, me rather, to do! He wants me to include Him in everything I do. something i overlooked. so i said, ok Lord. WE shall work together on my grades. hand in hand. and he said, that's the way my child. As i walked back home from the bus stop, i stared up at the sky, just admiring the clouds and soaking in the day's happenings. THEN. I SAW IT. I SAW GOD'S MESSAGE. He's really an interesting Father you know, sending me a message through the fluffy white clouds of His creation HAHA. positioned right across the sky were 2 eagles, a big one and a small one. The big eagle seemed as though it was leading the small eagle which followed suit. immediately, the words formed in my mind. "I will soar with You above the storm." God is truly amazing isn't He? sending me pretty and meaningful clouds to cheer me up and to remind me that with Him, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. GOD IS HOPE. HE IS MY HOPE. YOURS TOO. when we work hand in hand with God, guided by His wisdom, we will indeed, soar on wings like eagles! and overcome ALL ODDS. nothing can beat us down for God will always be right by our side, with His everlasting love <3
hope this testimony of mine will inspire all of you out there! especially those who are experiencing failures in some way:) GOD LOVES YOU AND ME! hehehe:D

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