Sunday, February 21, 2010

going to God in prayer

1 Thessalonians 5:17 "pray unceasingly"

We all are spiritual beings in need of spiritual strength.
Each and everyone of us are spirits, have souls and live in bodies. We draw/strength from God through our prayers. So NEVER FORGET TO PRAY!
sometimes we become so self-reliant that we cease to pray, thinking that we have the situation under control. BUT THAT'S NOT RIGHT. we often fail so miserably at times like these. SO let God take control! PRAYYYY!
sometimes we have the mindset that God has already made a plan for us and that whether we pray or not does not alter the course of our future. BUT THAT'S NOT RIGHT EITHER! God does not help anyone who does not put in any effort. SO PRAYY!

If we fail in prayer, we fail everywhere.
If we succeed in prayer, we succeed everywhere!


God Bless you all!
Have a blessed week ahead!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Partial Surrender

Luke 9:57-62

I've realised that I'm so similar to these 3 men who had wanted to become Jesus's disciples.
Jesus had rejected them out rightly because they had failed to put Him first. Likewise, Jesus will reject me too. I've always had the desire to surrender myself wholly to the Lord but this desire constantly fails to overcome the knowledge that I have to make many sacrifices one of which is my family and friends. That's my conclusion made after reading the above scriptures. What do you think? I tend to put school work as my top priority, so that is another sacrifice for me. I truly believe that surrendering myself wholly to the Lord does require lots of discipline. The desire to surrender must be so overwhelming and great that nothing else matters after that.
Pray with and for me, that soon, I will be able to surrender myself wholly to the Lord.