Sunday, January 10, 2010

Crossing The Line

time flies and yet another year has begun...

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Earlier this morning, my pastor gave us a rather interesting sermon, of which I felt lead by God to share it with you.
It's about crossing lines. Have you ever been in a situation during which you had wanted to do something but just did not have the courage to do so because you felt afraid and doubtful? I'm sure you have. I certainly have had many such experiences. In Matthew 14: 25-33, the Lord had stood on the sea and asked Peter to walk towards Him. So Peter did as he was told. He had managed to walk on water till his faith in the Lord dimmed when he saw the fierce winds and roaring seas. He began to drown.
We all must hold steadfast in our faith, for the Lord has told us to trust in Him and lean not unto our own understanding. The lines that you and I have to cross may make us look/feel out of ordinary...but does the Lord want us to be ordinary people? No!
The lines that we have to cross are unique to each individual. It can be as simple as learning to trust a friend or even having more faith in the Lord as we journey through our lives with him! or perhaps, it could be something that the Lord wants us to do for him.
A new year is about leaving the past behind, setting new goals and moving forward in our lives.
Everyone has new year resolutions...but have you ever been able to fulfil every single one? Is/are there any goals that you have tried to achieve but have never been able to do so after many years? You see, today i've learnt that these lines are our challenges set before us, challenges that we cannot run away from but simple have to learn how to overcome them and cross the lines. So i pray today, that our heavenly Father will give us the strength and courage to cross the lines set before us and that He will free us from all fear and doubt for he has not given us the spirit of fear! Amen!
So from today onwards, realise the lines that you have to cross, do not runaway from them but face them with new found courage and strength from the Lord.
The Lord has told us that nothing is impossible with Him!
God Bless and have a fruitful week ahead!

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